Kenny and Dan Gorman have been addicted to motorsports since getting bitten by the track day bug in 2004.
The track day era
Like many, once they got a taste of track days they couldn’t look back. Thunderhill, Buttonwillow, Laguna, Sears - all in street cars. This period was marked by lapping in Audi’s and Porsche’s and lifelong friendships were minted and great times had.

The racing bug
As these things tend to do, things escalated quickly. First Kenny in PCA SPBOX then Dan in NASA SE30, the both in NASA SE30 and GTS. Team Gorman Motorsports Podiums at the 6 hours of Thunderhill, and the 3 hours of Buttonwillow, and a DNF at the 25 hour of Thunderhill are cherished memories.

Consumed by data
Being tech nerds by primary profession, once Kenny and Dan learned you could data log your laps, well, it was over. They fell in head first starting Gorman Motorsports to help fellow track addicts make the most of their passion. Dan and Kenny went through training and became MoTeC, AiM and Trackmate experts. This endevour culimated with a customer car winning the fastest in class at the Bonnieville Salt Flats with their work onboard.

Offroad addiction
After Kenny relocated to Texas things calmed a bit. Kids had to be raised, and general life duties took over. But somehow the addiction found a way. From lapping in the 2001 Supercup and GT3 to then a new found love - offroad. It turns out, you can race the hardest offroad race in the world without a license of any kind. After some unsuccesssul and painful attempts Team Gorman Motorsports came in second at the Mint 400 (in class). A massive achievement by any measure.

Virtual takes over
Dan being in Colorado and Kenny in Texas presented new barries to the continued friendship and bond. But they simply evolved, and frankly, fell down the rabbit hole of Sim Racing. Currently, Dan and Kenny can be found battling in the Precision Racing League in GT4 class cars on Monday nights.
It’s still about racing, data, podiums and an almost 20 year brotherly bond formed from the love of motorsports.